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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 9. July, 24, 1946

Soh La Me (?)—

Soh La Me (?)—

Attention. The Glee Club has started again and this time they are catering for full-timers. Thursday lunch-time from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. is the zero-hour and room C6 the place. This year the club is under the capable guidance of Mr. F. Page. You don't have to have a good voice to belong—there are enough people to sing in your ear and drown your feeble efforts. In this club you will learn to appreciate Purcell and Bach's chorales and enjoy singing with a crowd of people who know as little about music as you do. The Glee Club is ambitious too, and hopes to put on an act of "Dido and Aenens" later in the year. For further information contact Jan Caselberg, 26-182, or Gib Bogle, 45-012. and roll along next Thursday and try it out.

* * *

The Blank Theatre


"The Lady Objects" "Million Dollar Baby"

(Double Feature)