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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 9, No. 9. July, 24, 1946

North v. South

North v. South

Attracted by the Universities' reputation to play fast, open football, some 8,000 spectators saw North Island defeat South Island, at Athletic Park, on Wednesday, July 6, by 13 points to 9. Despite the fact that North Island scored only two tries to the losers' three, their win was well merited on the general run of play. North's superiority was evident in the scrum, the forwards having a shade more life and slightly more speed close to the scrum. The outstanding performers on the day were G. A. Drummond, D. S. Goodwin, H. E. Greig and R. O'Connor. Drummond the CUC and Canterbury rep winger, who apparently had not impressed the selectors overmuch prior to the game, as he was emergency only up till Bolting's withdrawal through Injury, scored three scintillating tries. His pace and fend kept his opposing wing. Stevens, well on defensive most of the time. Victoria's Goodwin, as first five-eighths for North, turned on his best performance of the season, his play in all departments being near to perfect and giving North's back-line a definite sting on the offensive. Another Victoria representative who excelled himself was full-back Greig, his fine kicking actually winning the game for North. All the forwards got through a great amount of work. O'Connor on the back of the South scrum being outstanding for his line-out and general play R. B. Burke and G. D. Gordon, the opposing bookers fought an Interesting duel, and actually came out about evens. The performances of R. Jacobs and R. Monigatt at half for the respective teams were commendable, the local lad slightly shading the southerners The game was played at a very fast pace and provided the onlookers with at times, some scintillating movements rarely seen so far this season.