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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 8, No. 2. March, 14, 1945

SCM Conference Well Attended

SCM Conference Well Attended

A new planet has swum into the ken of 80 university students, including 25 from VUC: the 1944-1945 N.Z.S.C.M. Annual Summer Conference held during the vacation at Dilworth School, Auckland. New faces, familiar ones, cheerful meals, swimming sports, launch trip, sight seeing, camp fire: this was the background from which a serious and deeper aspect sprung with new strength and meaning. The bearing of "God's Word in our (Modern) World" was the theme of the conference, and on this all thoughts were drawn. Primarily Conference meant the exchange of ideas and reports of SUM life and activities from the particular college viewpoint but at the same time the sense of being a New Zealand-wide movement was very strongly felt. Here SCM is almost unique in bringing the average student to realise the underlying unity of the NZ University. Attention was also drawn to the position of the world SCM.