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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 7, No. 7 July 26, 1944


page 7


A small but alert audience assembled to hear the programme of Bach's music presented by Dorothy Davies (piano) and Marie Vanderwart ('cello). The artists are well known to the College, and their names alone are sufficient guarantee of highest quality entertainment, a guarantee which was not betrayed.

It is a significant commentary on College taste that a mere handful of students was present. Several students have said that a whole evening of Bach was too much to attempt. One would, however, plead for that broadness of mind which permits at least one attempt. Then the appeal of Bach would be discovered; his astonishing rhythmic ability, his ever fresh melodies, and the grip of his music.

The Music Makers' Club organise concerts for the benefit of students. It cannot continue to run them at a loss. If you are interested you are urged to give every support. If you are not interested, then here is the finest of opportunities for the first attempt at understanding music. It is a duty you owe to yourself. A man of culture, discrimination and understanding is more than a highly educated technician.

After the concert the artists were entertained at supper by the wives of the staff.

Miss Vanderwart has recently joined the College library staff and we welcome so distinguished a musician to our midst.
