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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944

Tea Dance

Tea Dance

Sortie proceeded according to plan, all food disposed of, and most of our cups returned safely. Students are beginning to get the idea behind these organisations. First you go to the tea dance, then you escort the girl friend down to the pictures, and finally, if you wish to complete the social sandwich, you go dancing—presumably to one of those dreamy halls where everyone is half asleep. Of course the whole affair is rather expensive, but you can always save money on item one by helping with the dishes.

Incidentally, to avoid a clash of temperaments over the tea the social committee are not averse to well-thought-out suggestions. In any case, don't forget the next tea dance—Saturday, 22nd, 5 o'clock in the Gym.