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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944

[Letter from Hooey to Salient Vol. 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944]

Dear Sir,—I was astounded to read the "one-eyed" report under the nom-de-plume of Whul. The only decent thing about it is the headed apology of Whui for being a little partisan. I would like to hear Whui's definition of "little," and I am sure that all present at the meeting would agree that the word "little" should be replaced by the word "completely."

It would appear that the writer has obtained his information second-hand, and fairly damaged at that. In view of the fact that one of the speakers at the meeting was a member of Salient staff, I cannot understand such a report appearing in your [unclear: pagttr]. Whui should have been at the meeting and heard the address and given what he heard, not what he was told by some apparently irresponsible newsgiver.

In closing, may I say that Whui used the wrong quotation from Extravaganza. It should have been "Even here among the dead, we can't escape the raging red."—Yours, etc.,
