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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 7, No. 6. July 12, 1944

Modern Books

Modern Books

Modern Books, Wellington's Cooperative Bookshop, moved recently to 48A Manners Street, a more central and busy part of the town than its previous site. Modern Books has been a regular advertiser in Salient for three years, and most students are well acquainted with the shop.

When we interviewed the manager, Miss Ferguson, this week, she was able to tell us that trade is booming. The library turnover has increased considerably, more people are getting to know the shop, and thirty-nine new shareholders were enrolled last week (£1 shares in monthly installments of 2/6 is the system)—many more are still required. It is a shop run by shareholders who elect the management committee each year and control the selection of books. Improvements are still being made in the shop—Miss Ferguson told us that they would be employing a professional window dresser in future, and would be having a new counter and display cases, and the shelves are going to be re-painted.