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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 7, No. 2 April 13, 1944



The Annual General Meeting has been held but, owing to the poor showing of past members, it was decided to elect the Club Officers at the second practice. A fair number of new members and freshers with excellent basketball records have joined the club, and we therefore hope to be able to put up a good showing for Varsity in the Wellington Championships this year. In which we will be entering two teams—one in the Senior A grade and one in the Senior B grade.

At the Annual Meeting of the Wellington Basketball Association we were able to buy a new basketball—we hope that this will act as an incentive for those folk who Just can't quite make up their minds whether to play or not. Don't forget that old saying—"All work and no play..." Think it over and join the Basketball Club.