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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 5, No. 4 June 17, 1942

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Sir,—It's about time Victoria had more claim to being a University than the "U" in V.U.C., and the student readers of your article, "Universities and Anti-Fascism," must realise that it is their duty to raise Victoria to a far weightier place in the community. I'm afraid that for many of them its only purpose is to enable them to say to prospective employers, "I've had a University education." Remember Prague, you who just come up the hill for Iectures and hurry away as soon as they are over.

—Yours, etc.,

Active Student

Sir,—Thank you for the privilege of seeing "Active Student's" letter before you printed it. I would add to his pompous peroration:

Remember Pearl Harbour…

Remember the Alamo…

I remember, I remember, the house where I was born…

The leaves of brown came tumbling down, remember…

Remember, remember, the Fifth of November…

All of which are equally pertinent. Everyone except "Active Student" has long known that we who are working extended hours these days are doing a lot more to defeat fascism than if we spent the time propagandising for our University.

Yours, etc.,

Full Overtimer

[Anyone else got anything to say about it?—Ed.]

Sir,—Re your last issue—raspberries!