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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 5, No. 4 June 17, 1942

We Are Not Alone

We Are Not Alone

Manchester's Women

The Women's Union in Manchester recently voted for compulsory service for women by an overwhelming majority. This was at the largest meeting of the Women's Union to have been held for some time. The scheme means a minimum of five hours a week devoted to work for the war effort by all women students and they are now going ahead working out in detail what form this work shall take.

Three Hundred Thousand

The "Daily Mirror" of 18th November 1941 reported a gigantic meeting of 300,000 factory workers from an industrial centre in India who pledged unqualified support for the Soviet Union in men and money in the fight against Nazism.

Professors of Brussels

For the professors of Brussels University to accept in their midst the prophets of the Nazi racial theory would have been an insult to the spirit of decency and humanity which they have always revered . . . they preferred to state their opinions bluntly and firmly so that they might stand as an example and spread their message to Belgian youth and their countrymen at large.

Catholic And Communist

Still vividly remembered is the demonstration of Catholic students in front of the cathedral of St. Stephen, when hundreds of Socialist and Communist workers joined the Catholic students to make a demonstration of all Vienna against the German rulers.


In the struggle against Hitler, worker youth and student-youth fought side by side . . . Hundreds of young girls and fellows paid with their lives for their courageous stand. Time and again the ranks of the killed and arrested were refilled with new heroic anti-fascists.

Negro Youth

At the national conference of Negro Youth, with 750 representatives, the keynote was, "Without the military destruction of Hitlerism there can be no further progress by my people or any other people anywhere in the world!"

Fascism Destroys Free Universities

in every country because it cannot tolerate independent thought and free expression of opinion which are part of a University. Because the Nazis realise that the Universities will become centres of opposition. That is why the Universities of Warsaw, of Cracow, of Prague, of Belgrade have been closed down.