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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol 4, No. 6. June 18, 1941

Left Wins another Debate

Left Wins another Debate.

A large and noisy crowd turned up for Friday night's debate, that "Pre-war liberty is a luxury we can no longer afford." Almost every 'word of the motion was quibbled over, except the word "we," so that the meeting resolved itself mainly into factions of those who could and those who could not afford to allow civil liberty.

Mr. Burnard, who moved the motion, impressed us with a good delivery and logical presentation of his point of view. This was, briefly, that Fascism has advantages over Democracy in that the latter pulls all ways, the former all one way. But whereas Fascism entails a dictatorship from above, Mr. Burnard would have control from the people (those that support the war, that is). Criticism of method is commendable, not of aims.

Miss Hutchison answered that liberty is the fundamental issue, which must win out through the efforts of freedom-loving Anglo-Saxons.

Carthago Delenda Est.

Mr. Greig made heavy weather against the interjections of an unsympathetic house. He devoted most of his time to a lurid description of the horrors of Germany, which will engulf us if we interfere with the war effort.

Gurth Higgin was greeted with a broadside of Hessian shouts. He upheld necessary military restrictions, but deplored encroachments on civil liberties.

Among the many speakers from the floor were Mr. Foley on the right. Mr. Nathan on the left, Mr. Winchester with a smashing indictment all round, and the amazing Dick Collins with a brand [unclear: new] point of view, this time from the right.

The judge, Mr. Theo Hills, placed speakers as follows:—Miss Hutchison, Mr. McCreary, Mr Foley, Mr. [unclear: Nathan], and Messrs. Higgin and Burnard (equal).