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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 4, No. 4. April 24, 1941

Otakou Hei — Athletics

Otakou Hei


Otago carried off the Athletic Championship Shield with an aggregate of 28 points. Auckland and Victoria were an equal second with 10 points.

The field events won the day for Otago, and their field star, J. H. Opie, won the Challenge Cup given by the women of the New Zealand University to the athlete winning the most championship points. He won three field championships, the Discus, the Javelin, and the Shot Putt. Opie put the shot 40ft. 11in., which is believed to be an N.Z.U. record. Great formalities attended the measurement of the record distance with a steel tape. The Hop, Step and Jump and the Broad Jump were won by N. W. Thom (A.U.C.). The Pole Vault was won by D. W. McGregor. This was perhaps the most spectacular of all the field events.

In the Hammer Throwing, Mick White, of A.U.C., hurled the hammer a clear 40ft, more than his opponents, but failed in an attempt to beat his own 'Varsity record.

It was fine work on the part of T. R. Harris to do the Half-Mile in 2min. 1 2-5 seconds in bleak and windy weather on a track slow and heavy after rain.

In spite of a painful ankle injury, D. Tossman (V.U.C.) cracked 60 the 440yds. Hurdles.

J. Sutherland (V.U.C.) won the 220 Yards and the 100yds. Flat Championships.

The Mile was won by Harris, who defeated the record holder, Shaw Rowberry, of Victoria, took most of the laps, and paced the two Canterbury men. In the last lap Coombs, of Otago, took the lead, but Harris came up with a nicely-timed burst of speed to win.

R. L. Jones won the 12yds. Hurdles. L. J. Taylor won the Mile Walk. The V.U.C. representative respectfully halted during the playing of the National Anthem on the arrival of His Excellency the Governor-General.

Rowberry and Scrymgeour, of Victoria, did most of the, pacemaking in the Three Miles, but in the last lap Coombs went right away from the other two to win comfortably.