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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2, No. 17. August 9, 1939

The Girls' Team

The Girls' Team

This team in the "E" grade has found the opposition rather too strong at times, but it has always managed to force the Issue all the way.

Of the girls generally, Kath. Pears and Doris Johannesson are perhaps the keenest contestants for the singles title, although Pat. Ralph, who played very well in last year's championships, will be hard to bout. Shirley Grinlinton and Lila Marshall are also well in the running.

Through lack of practice, Marie Fletcher is not playing quite as well as last year, and was defeated in the singles by Molly Moody, a player with a very capable defence but a lack of confidence in attack. Star Chalk and Marie Best are both impressive players and Star, in particular, has a most effective backhand.

We would urge all contestants in the championships to complete their matches as soon as possible.—R.R.

Yes, fair nymphs depicted above are all our own girls—women students' gym, class, meets Thursdays (7.15 to 8 p.m.) under virile Helen Macdonald, up-to-the-minute physical exponent from Y.W.O.A. Picture shown girls posed in movements typical of attractive exercises presented, designed to keep our women healthy, agile, graceful. Helen Maysmor, class guardian, announces scoop; Bunch this Thursday will meet under Professor Gertrude Bodenwiesser, of State Academy, Vienna, first European Professor of Modem creative dancing. Class will meet as usual during vacation; plans to put on sparking demonstration in a few weeks.

Yes, fair nymphs depicted above are all our own girls—women students' gym, class, meets Thursdays (7.15 to 8 p.m.) under virile Helen Macdonald, up-to-the-minute physical exponent from Y.W.O.A. Picture shown girls posed in movements typical of attractive exercises presented, designed to keep our women healthy, agile, graceful. Helen Maysmor, class guardian, announces scoop; Bunch this Thursday will meet under Professor Gertrude Bodenwiesser, of State Academy, Vienna, first European Professor of Modem creative dancing. Class will meet as usual during vacation; plans to put on sparking demonstration in a few weeks.