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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2; No. 6 April 26, 1939

Hockey Acquisitions

Hockey Acquisitions

In C. A. Sharp, a former Rhodes Scholar, the Men's Hockey Club has gained a player whose experience and skill should be of much value. A Southland representative. Sharp has had considerable hockey experience in England and India.

Buchanan, a Canterbury College "Blue" for the past two years, should prove another useful acquisition. Souness from the Wesley Club and Hetherington, a Canterbury Junior Rep., are other men who may find places in the senior team.

So far no attempt has been made to finalise teams, but good material is available for sound Senior A and Senior B sides.

Of last year's seniors, all are again available except Eggleton (now at Canterbury). Williams (in Auckland), and Pitt (now on his way to teach the Rarotongans hockey).

Competition for places will be particularly keen, especially amongst the halves. As in previous years, only the wing forwards should occasion any difficulty. Teams will be chosen after the final practice next Saturday when it is hoped to measure the strength of teams with out-side clubs.

There are still vacancies in all teams to be filled. Those in doubt about playing—and of course all those who intend to play—are urged to attend at Karori Park next Saturday without fall.