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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2, No. 2 March 15, 1939


Towards the end of last year there was held at Vassar College, New York, a World Youth Congress.

Amid the antagonisms of nations and threats of war, the Congress stands as a beacon offering hope and guidance to the forces of youth the world over.

New Zealand Student Organisations were represented by Ian Milner as delegate, and Alfred Katz as observer.

The Congress was attended by over 600 delegates from 54 countries—an Increase of 18 on the number of countries represented at the first Conference at Geneva In 1936.

The now delegations came from the countries of South and Central America, the Near and the Far East. Official delegations were sent from China, Spain, and Czechoslovakia.

Britain sent delegates and observers from six Christian organisations, five political youth movements, four social organisations, and the major youth and student movements.

The South American delegates, alarmed at the extent of Nazi penetration into their countries, declared themselves in favour of collective action to prevent aggression. They welcomed the "good neighbour" policy of President Roosevelt and the prospect of Pan-American co-operation.