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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 2, No. 1 March 8, 1939

Off Stage

Off Stage.

And what are these glamourous creatures who flit like thistledown across the stage like in real life? "Salient" determined to find out, and penetrated into their labyrinthian dressing rooms just before a performance.

Anton Dolin, making-up furiously, a man of unbounded energy and the mainspring of the company, commented on "Salient's" suggestions that a National School of Ballet be formed In New Zealand. "You won't be successful," he said, "All the ballerinas in our company have devoted years of study to their art; a dancer must be prepared to give up everything for his or her career. Moreover it is essential that only the great dancers be employed to coach all aspiring ballerinas. I have discovered several excellent dancers while conducting classes here—one girl in Auckland is particularly outstanding. I am myself going to see to it that she receives the best training possible without charge."