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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1882.

No. 117 of 1882.—Petition of Henare Kaipuke and 5 Others

No. 117 of 1882.—Petition of Henare Kaipuke and 5 Others.

Petitioners ask, on behalf of the Ngatihanui Hapu, that their lands at Hukanui, Waikato, near Hamilton, should be individualized.

I am directed to report as follows:—

Mr. Marshall reports that in 1870 Mr. Clarke and he attended at Cambridge to receive claims, but the petitioners declined to attend, and were consequently not included in the list of persons who were to receive lands. Major Te Wheoro's evidence is to the following effect: These people settled on the lands (which had been originally theirs) in 1868; they got no other land from Government. In 1873, Major Te Wheoro says, that Dr. Pollen, in the presence of Mr. J. Mackay and himself, promised that they should have the land. The petitioners have ever since 1868 resided upon Hukanui; now, they are disputing amongst themselves about the right of cutting timber, and further troubles may arise.

The Committee recommends Government to make fuller inquiries into the whole case, and deal with it as may seem just.

17th August, 1882.