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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1880.

No. 337 of Session II., 1879.—Petition of Kaitai Pahi and 17 Others

No. 337 of Session II., 1879.—Petition of Kaitai Pahi and 17 Others.

Petitioners state that when Mr. Clarke settled the claims for Stewart's Island but few persons were present; that in the deed of cession were included the names of persons having no right of property in the island, whilst the names of real owners were omitted; and they refer to Mr. Tainui, M.H.R., as able to give information in their behalf. They pray for a special Court to rehear the case and give equitable settlement.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That there is no reason to believe that the award of Mr. Commissioner Clarke was unfair, or arrived at without full inquiry; the Committee has therefore no recommendation to make.

30th July, 1880.