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A compendium of official documents relative to native affairs in the South Island, Volume One.


page 49


No. of Series. Date. Writer. To whom Addressed. Subject.
1 May, 1839 Court of Directors, New Zealand Company Colonel Wakefield Furnishing written instructions for his guidance in the management of the enterprise committed to his charge, and. explaining the objects of the Company as to the purchase of lands, &c.; and that in conducting negotiations for the purchase of land from the Natives, care should be taken to mention in every Pukapuka, or Contract, that a proportion of the territory ceded, equal to one-tenth, would be reserved by the Company and held in trust for the future benefit of the Natives.
2 Mar. 31, 1845 Commissioner Spain Governor Fitzroy Reporting the result of his investigation into the New Zealand Company's claim to land in the Nelson District.
3 Aug. 19, 1844 Copy of Minutes of Proceedings at the Court held by Commissioner Spain at Nelson.
4 Statement of Presents made to sundry Native Chiefs on account of the Nelson Settlement.
5 Sept. 7, 1844 George Clarke, jun. Commissioner Spain Stating that he had no intention of opposing the claim of the New Zealand Company in the Nelson District, excepting Wairau.
6 Schedule of the probable quantity of land required for the Settlement of Nelson.
7 Copy of the New Zealand Company's Second Deed of Purchase, including the Nelson District.
8 Copy of the New Zealand Company's Third Deed of Purchase from the Natives.
9 Aug. 14, 1844 Copy of Deed of Release, signed by the Natives of Motueka, with translation.
10 Copy of Deed of Release, signed by the Natives of Wakapuaka.
11 Copy of Deed of Release, signed by Natives of the Ngatiawa Tribe.
12 Aug. 19, 1844 Receipt by Ngapiko, for £10, in satisfaction of his claim to land in the Nelson District.
13 July 29, 1845 Copy of Crown Grant of Nelson to the New Zealand Company.
14 Mar. 21, 1846 Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone Lieutenant-Governor Grey Transmitting copies of Correspondence with the New Zealand Company on the subject of a Report received from their Principal Agent, and requesting His Excellency to inquire into the nature of the representation.
15 Feb. 28, 1846 T. C. Harrington Secretary of State for Colonies Transmitting a copy of a Despatch from the Company's Principal Agent.
16 Dec. 18, 1845 Lord Stanley Lieutenant-Governor Grey Notifying the appointment of Colonel McCleverty to aid the New Zealand Company in the selection of land, and to judge of the reasonableness of the terms of any purchase made from the Natives.
17 Sept. 14, 1846 Governor Grey Secretary of State for Colonies Acknowledging Despatch No. 14, of 21st March, and explaining the steps that had been taken to adjust the complaints made by the New Zealand Company with reference to the Grants issued to them for the Wellington and Nelson Districts.