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Heels 1988

Moon Shadow

page 30

Moon Shadow

Lying back here,
Cradled in the branches of a scrub-bush protruding
from a fresh blanket of crusty snow.
Lying out underneath the cloudless dusky sky
watching the stars coming out to join the radiant half-moon
Listening to the kea calling as it flies back up the valley,
Home to its nest among the rocks and snow,
Soothed by the sound of the stream gushing down from the saddle,
Cradled too, by the peaks towering above,
I think of work, life and destiny.
Nothing troubles me.
I am at peace; calm and serene.
Getting up, I chase my moon-shadow back to the hut.

Stream and Snow, Victoria Range - Peter Leitch

Stream and Snow, Victoria Range - Peter Leitch