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Heels 1982

Saturday 2nd

Saturday 2nd

We departed idyllic campsite heading over the col. and dropping steeply down a stream-cum-waterfall for 300 ft. Gave our ankles some exercise sidling across loose scree and steep tussock as we skirted around Mt. Lambert towards the Icefall. Six keas shadowed us, circling around like vultures, but coming in for a landing once we had lunch. They got a bit curious in Penny's pack and Chris got a bit over-enthusiastic with the rocks. Keas, like Norwegian Blues, stun easily, as one did for about ten minutes before flying off to join his mates. Thereafter keeping their distance.

Lambert Icefall was revealed as the mist subsided and periodically ice bounced down off the rock slabs. The contours stuck close in that area. A large boulder landmark (visible in our air photos) led us across a rock ledge to a small notch in the eastern ridge page 52of Mt. Lambert. Visibility was now lousey, so Matt and Sue did a wee recce to find the right notch. We roped up on the other side of the notch, and we were now on the slot covered Névé.

Compass navigation in misty twilight led us over avalanche debris (resembling a ploughed field) slots and across Lambert névé, to a rock ledge below 7,350. It was roughly 12 by 5 ft. wide, hence housing our 8 by 6 ft. tent with one side suspended in space and guylines attached to rocks holding it down. The wind was starting to get gusty and Chris had to spend half the night supporting one of the poles.