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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 9 (December 1, 1939)

Railways' Part in the Great Evacuation

Railways' Part in the Great Evacuation.

As in 1914–18, the Home railways are performing fine work in connection with military movements, but this is a story for which we shall have to wait awhile. Outstanding among military activities of which we can freely speak is the remarkably fine work achieved in connection with the evacuation from the large centres of some millions of children and others. This was actually the greatest organised movement of humanity ever attempted, and while road transport played an exceptionally fine part in the evacuation, it was upon the railways the major task fell. Not readily shall we forget the scene at the big termini, as train load after train load of youngsters of all ages was despatched, nor must we neglect to place on record the quiet heroism of the parents at the parting. Young England will have cause to bless the railways in years to come, and as for the railwaymen engaged in this momentous movement, they one and all rose majestically to the occasion, just as we knew they would.