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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 3 (July 1, 1927)

Station Gardens

Station Gardens.

The station gardens on the Dunedin section were recently judged by the Otago Women's Club. There was keen rivalry among the many entrants for the competition and the displays, generally, were a credit to the respective stations. Last year the first prize was awarded to Burnside, and as this garden is again in good trim it will require a more than ordinary effort to displace it from the lead. The competition was a happy thought on the part of the Club, and is doing a great deal towards making our stations attractive; last year was the first time a prize was awarded, and already the enterprise is bearing fruit as there have been many glowing remarks passed upon the pretty gardens which are kept along the line. In an early issue of the Magazine we hope to be able to reproduce a photo of this year's winning garden with those responsible for it.

Train-load of motor cars ready to be hauled through the Otira tunnel, South Island.

Train-load of motor cars ready to be hauled through the Otira tunnel, South Island.