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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.



False—Exhibiting false signals to vessel 23
False buying and selling 7
Uttering, making, &c., false coin 7
False making of written instrument, forgery 13, 14
False Imprisonment 13, 44, 43
Farm—Setting fire to farm building 3
Fees—Of Court 33
Felony—Explanation of. 13
Vagrant armed with intent to commit Felony 29
Person found in a house with intent to commit Felony 15
Administering Drug with intent to commit Felony 11, 5
Composition of Felony 7 page 62
Piracy 25
Accessory to Felony 1, 31
Assault with intent to commit Felony 4
Attempt to commit Felony 5
Breaking into a House with intent to commit Felony, or 6
Breaking out having committed Felony 6
Robbing 19
Second conviction for Malicious Injury 22
Mauslaughter 23, 35
Murder 24, 35
Constable may Apprehend on suspicion of Felony xiii. § 59
Person may interfere to prevent Forgery ib.
Person charged with Forgery resisting Apprehension 34
Fence—Malicious injury to 22
Cattle Trespassing through Broken Fenco 40
Fighting—Two or more persons Fighting 1
Training to use of Arms 2
Challenge 6, 32
Two persons Fighting and Injuring another 32
Fighting in self-defence 34, 39
Robbing with violence 19, 20
Person armed with dangerous weapon found disguised 15
Carrying Arms 2
Assault 3, 4
Assault with intent to commit murder 5
Assault accompanying Burglary 6
Manslaughter 23, 34, 35
Murder 24, 34, 35, 36
Vagrant armed 29
Constable must apprehend persons fighting xii § 59
Beating a man's wife. 44
Beating by parent or teacher 41
Battery considered as a civil injury 41
Fine—Description of 47, III. § 8, IX, § 43
On Jurors for non-attendance. VII. § 34
Received by the Crown 32
On witnesses for attendance viii. § 39
Fire—Setting fire to house, church, &c. 2, 3, 32
Accidental fire 32
Forgery. 13