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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.

23. Compounding

[i roto i te reo Māori]

page 33

23. Compounding.

There is one exception to the Law in reference to this offence, in the case of a thing stolen by a Maori. In this case the Resident Magistrate, may, if he think fit, allow the thief to pay into Court four times the value of the stolen articles, and he may then be discharged; such restitution being substituted for imprisonment.

In some cases of Misdemeanor whereby any person sustains injury, as in the case of Battery or of Libel, the defendant is permitted to speak with the prosecutor before the sentence of the Court has been pronounced. If they come to an amicable arrangement, and the prosecutor says he is satisfied, and has no wish to press the matter further, a slight punishment will be inflicted on the offender; such as, it may be, fining him a shilling.