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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.

19. Challenge

[i roto i te reo Māori]

19. Challenge.

If a person challenge another to fight with him, or be the bearer of a challenge to another, it is a misdemeanor, although fighting may not follow. Or if one provoke another by a letter, or otherwise deliberately insult him, in order to excite him to passion, and thereby provoke a challenge, it is a misdemeanor. It will not exculpate the person committing this offence to show that he was first provoked by the other. This may perhaps apply to the Maori curse, which is an insult tending to excite anger and to provoke a challenge. The person uttering such a curse may be required to find sureties for his good behaviour, that is, persons to make a written promise to forfeit money to the Queen if he again offend.