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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.



Machinery—Malicious injury to machinery 22
Magistrate—Administrator of the law i.
Takes sureties of the peace, &c. 25
Magistrate unlawfully administering oaths 25
Making false declarations before Magistrate 10
Bribery of Magistrate 6
Constable neglecting to obey warrant of Magistrate 8
Insulting Magistrate in Court 9
Powers of Magistrate in matter of theft 16, 17
Duties, &c., of Magistrate iii. § viii. § 37, xi. § 53, 54, 55, 58
Duties, &c., of Magistrate As to Criminal offences iii. § 8, ix. § 43, x. § 45
May imprison iii. § 9
Issues summouses viii. § 38
Administers oaths ix. § 42
May take bail x. § 47page 66
Magistrate—Binds witnesses te appear x. §48
Must sit in open Court xi. § 50
Caunot act in his own case xi. § 51
Is protected by the law xi. § 52
Description of Magistrate 48
Mail—Post office laws 25
Stealing, &c., letters, &c 26
Maim—Considered as a civil injury 41
Serious assault 3, 4
Using weapons. &c., with intent te maim 4
Maim any person with intent te murder 5
Malicious Injuries 21, 22, 23
Manslaughter 23, 24
Marriage—Bigamy 5
Master and Servant 23
Mill—Malicious injury te machinery, or dam of mill 22
Misdemeanour—Definition of misdemeanour 51
Attempt te commit misdemeanour 5
Compounding misdemeanour 8
Misprison—Definition of misprison 51
Money—Laws respecting coin 7
Murder 24, 35, 36
Setting fire te ship with intent te commit murder 2
Using powder, &c., with intent te commit murder 4
Attempt te commit murder 5
Burglary accompanied by assault with intent te commit murder 6
Person killed iu attempting te commit murder 34