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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.

4. Accusing of Crime

[i roto i te reo Māori]

4. Accusing of Crime.

Let it be clearly understood that this offence does not consist in simply accusing or threatening to accuse another of committing a Criminal Offence, but there must be no probable ground for the accusation, or it must be made with a view to obtain money from the accused. If a person have probable reason to suppose that another has committed a Criminal Offence, he Must declare it to a Magistrate, and will not be wrong in so doing, but would be wrong in not declaring it. If he make the accusation, or threaten to do so, from improper motives, he will be wrong. If, on the contrary, the accusation be made with proper motives, the Law will not reprove the accuser.

A person so accused by another with proper motives, though the crime be not proved against him, will not be permitted to bring an action against his accuser. The Law protects those who endeavor to uphold and maintain it.