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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: a catalogue with indexes

Volume 15

Volume 15


The Chinese Question in Australia, 1878-79.

Melbourne, Bailliere, 1879.

31 p.

Edited by L. Kong Meng, Cheok Hong Cheong, and Louis Ah Mouy.


Adams, William Acton Blakeway, 1843-1924.

The Nelson & West Coast section of the main trunk railway of New Zealand: a letter to the Hon. James MacAndrew... 1878. - Nelson: R. Lucas, 1878.

15 p.

Also in Stout vol. 29


Dunedin Chamber of Commerce.

Annual report. - Dunedin: 18 -1886; [ns]1(1887).


Other issues in vols. 27, 40, 48, 53, 58, 60 and 84.


Hoyle, William, 1831-1886.

The economic basis of commercial prosperity, viewed in its application to the present stagnation in trade: a paper read at the Social Science Congress in Aberdeen, September 24th, 1877. - Manchester: John Heywood, [1877]

16 p.


Victorian Convention.

Resolutions, proceedings, and documents of the Victorian Convention, assembled in Melbourne, July 15 to August 6, 1857. - Melbourne: Published for the Council of the Convention by J.J. Walsh, 1857.

31 p.

Also in vols. 9 and 12


Committee formed for the Fostering and Encouragement of Local Industries and Productions.

Pamphlet issued by the Committee... - Christchurch: 'The Times', 1879.

12 p.


Jenkins, W.G.

On the scientific form of harbours, as applied to the Port of Melbourne (Communicated through William Simons). Received 31st August, read 26th November 1878. - [Glasgow?: 1879?]

8 p.

Probably reprinted from the Transactions of the Institute of Engineers in Scotland.


Mirams, Samuel Haywood, 1837-1911.

City Council of Dunedin. Report from the City surveyor as to proposed permanent levels for the streets of the city. May 4th, 1880. - Dunedin: Evening Star, [1880]

7 p.


Wakelin, Thomas.

An essay on gravitation. - Wellington: Lyon & Blair, 1879.

12 p.


Fellows, Charles.

The finances of New Zealand, by Master Humphrey [pseud.] - Dunedin: Mills, Dick and Co., 1872.

21 p.

Copy lacks p.21

Also in vols. 19, 26 and 29

page 12

Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows. Otago District Committee. Report of proceedings, half-yearly meeting. - Dunedin: 18 -?

Apr 1879

Other issues in vol. 17


Grant, James Gordon Stuart, 1838-1902.

The philosopher. - Dunedin: Coulls and Culling, 1879.

16 p,

Copy lacks cover-title


Grant, James Gordon Stuart, 1838-1902.

A tale of horror. - Dunedin: Coulls and Culling, [1879?]

8 p.


Otago Institute and Museum.

Catalogue of the Library of the Otago Institute & Museum. Museum buildings, Great King Street. - Dunedin: 'Daily Times', 1879.

28 p.


Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, 2d bart, 1829-1906.

'Gay wisdom': a series of selected and humourous extracts from the speeches... First series, 1877. - Liverpool: Argus, 1877.

14 p.

Reprinted from Liverpool Argus.


Independent Order of Oddfellows of New Zealand. Grand Lodge.

Proceedings; annual session. - Dunedin: 1(1863?)-?

16 (1878)

Other issues in vol. 29


Art-Union of Victoria.

Annual report and balance sheet. - Melbourne: 1(1873)-?

7 (1879)

Other issues in vol.40


Presbyterian Church of Otago and Southland. Synod.

Proceedings. - Dunedin: 1854/65-1901. 1866, 1878, 1879.

Other issues in vol. 20