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Victoria College Students' Carnival. Thursday and Friday, 27th and 28th June, 1907

"The Common Fate."

"The Common Fate."

Air — "Glou, Glou," from La Mascotte. —(Audran.)

All flesh is grass and rank it grows
Where Brookie's cow apart reposes,

And where she's gone Kirk's emu goes
And where Brook's dog do longer noses.

She might have been the latest "slide,"
And doctored for Kirk's lantern lecture:

Or been for tender veal supplied,
We can but surmise and conjecture.

Bovine's song is sweet,
Softly muttons bleat:
Lowing near and far, moo, moo, moo,
Musical are sheep, baa, baa!

Fonder of beef I am,
Dearer it is than lamb.
Though that's pretty dear, moo, moo, moo,
If you book with Gear, baa, baa!

It's clear that bird and beast were made
For cooks and for Victoria College,

For if not edible, they're flayed
By Kirk, and salted down for knowledge.

It may be cow, it may be frog,
The end's the same, whate'er the details,

And either Kirk or Gear's top-dog,
The one dissects, the other retails.

It will pay you to secure the services of a tailor of Mr D. Milligan's Credentials.

You will find "Lucy" alright.