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A Popular Vision: The Arts and the Left in New Zealand 1930-1950



At Piha, 1937/8?: P. Williams, Horace Belshaw, A.R.D. Fairburn, W. B. Sutch, Morva Sutch, Jack Basham, R.A.K. Mason, Ormond Wilson, R.P. Anschutz, Doris Basham, N. M. Richmond, A.H. O'Keefe 26
Tomorrow masthead 30
Kennaway, The Great Katipo 38
Kennaway, The Bobadolf 41
H. Winston Rhodes 48
Left Book Club / Paul's Book Arcade leaflet, 1938? 67
Programme for Dunedin Left Book Club's Professor Mamlock, July 1939 73
Professor Mamlock, with Hamilton Parker, Ruby Hannan, Phyllis Jones, Alan Rackley, Eric Powell 74
Jack Basham, New Zealand Observer, 11 June 1936 88
Progressive Books advertisement, Borer, October 1937 111
Progressive Books interior, 193?, with Jack and Doris Basham 114
W. B. Sutch, Poverty and Progress in New Zealand 138
A.R.D. Fairburn, We New Zealanders 146
New Zealand New Writing 151
Tiki logo: Co-op Books, November 1943 167
R.A.K. Mason 172
Programme for Falls the Shadow, March 1939 183
'China', Yearbook of the Arts in New Zealand, 1945 188
New Theatre Group 'China' programme 188
Robert Stead 207
Of Mice and Men cast, March 1944, with Francois de Maunay, Pearl Wood, Tahu Shankland, Robert Stead, Rona Meek (Bailey), Dulcie Shankland, Ian McClymont, Don McClymont, Dennis Hartley, Harold Smart, Letty Black (McClymont), Allan Bagley, Henry Martin 210
French Maid Coffee Bar, Lambton Quay, Wellington, 1940-52 212