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Nga Karauna Karaati o Himatangi


[ko te tohutoro i roto i te reo Māori]


First Schedule.
Himatangi Block.—Manawatu District.

All that parcel of land in the Provincial District of Wellington containing by admeasurement eleven thousand (11,000) acres, more or less situate in the Manawatu Distriet, and bounded towards the North by Crown land sections Nos. 334, 335, and 336, fifty-one thousand three hundred (51300) links; towards the East by the SManawatu River, fifty-six thousand (56000) links; towards the South by the Himatangi Block and Crown lands, thirty-seven thousand six hundred (37600) links; and toward the west by a road line twenty-four thousand (24000) links; be all the aforesaid linkages more or less; as the same is delmeated on tho plans deposited in tho Provincial DistrictSurvery office, Wellingtou.

page 4

Second Schedule.

In the Native Lands Court.

In the matter of the Himatangi Crown Grants Act, 1877, on the day of , 187 .

It is hereby ordered and declared that [here set out name in full of Native, whether male or female, and if under disability state the nature thereof; and if the native is an infant, state his or her age] is entitled in fee simple to all that piece of land [here describe land], be the same little more or less, as the same is delineated hereon, bordered red, together with all the appurtenances, and that a Crown grant shall be issued for such land to the said, and that the said shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the said land or any part thereof except by lease for any less period than one year, or from year to year, or for any term not exceeding twenty-one years in possession and not in reversion, without fine, premium, or foregift, and without covenant or agreement for renewal or purchase at a future time.

(Seal of Court.)