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Further Papers Relative to Native Affairs



Kaikohe, 8th July, 1861.

Friend, the Governor,—

Salutations to you! your letter of the 20th June has arrived, and we have seen all the words in it, and Mr. H. Kemp's word to you. I do not know anything about its being properly settled, as the surveyor still persists in surveying upon our land. Enough. We held a Runanga on the subject, and made your words known to the surveyor to warn him, so that there may be no difficulty. It is right that they should be instructed and warned. This however is our word to you!—Let there be a law to guide the Pakeha surveyors, in order that they may not survey the parts that we have surveyed, for we see the faults of the Pakeha surveyors. For instance Mr. Fairburn surveys our land, and afterwards some other person employs him, and he again surveys the same piece that he has already surveyed. Afterwards he is sent by another man to survey it, and he goes and alters the former survey. These are the errors of the Pakehas which we have seen. It is our forbearance that prevents evil from growing out of this. We therefore ask you to send a law to prevent them from meddling with land about which there is a dispute amongst the Maories. It is very well for them to survey land which is not disputed. It is for the Land Purchase Department to consider these words, and make a law to stop Mr. Fairburn and the other surveyors. This is all we have to say.

From your loving friends,

Te Hira Pure
Hare Reweti Haehae.

To His Excellency the Governor,

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