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Pacific Service: the story of the new Zealand Army Service Corps Units with the Third Division in the Pacific

Fresh food was stored in walk-in refrigerators, a block of which is pictured above. These served the 10th MT company at Halis, on Nissan. Below: A pup-tent in the jungle, showing mosquito net inside and a handy fox-hole

Fresh food was stored in walk-in refrigerators, a block of which is pictured above. These served the 10th MT company at Halis, on Nissan. Below: A pup-tent in the jungle, showing mosquito net inside and a handy fox-hole

Fresh food was stored in walk-in refrigerators, a block of which is pictured above. These served the 10th MT company at Halis, on Nissan. Below: A pup-tent in the jungle, showing mosquito net inside and a handy fox-hole