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Pacific Service: the story of the new Zealand Army Service Corps Units with the Third Division in the Pacific

Notes.—(1)Three detachments of the 1st Field Bakery, one detachment of Base Supply Depot No. 2 and some personnel of the 1st Field Butchery served with the division when it moved forward.(2)The workshops of the 4th, 10th and 16th MT Companies were under base command only for the period when their companies were absent with the division

Notes.—(1)Three detachments of the 1st Field Bakery, one detachment of Base Supply Depot No. 2 and some personnel of the 1st Field Butchery served with the division when it moved forward.(2)The workshops of the 4th, 10th and 16th MT Companies were under base command only for the period when their companies were absent with the division.


(1)Three detachments of the 1st Field Bakery, one detachment of Base Supply Depot No. 2 and some personnel of the 1st Field Butchery served with the division when it moved forward.
(2)The workshops of the 4th, 10th and 16th MT Companies were under base command only for the period when their companies were absent with the division.