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Proceedings of the First Symposium on Marsupials in New Zealand

Fig. 12. Linear regressions and correlations between the annual crop of hinau fruit and various annual breeding and weight parameters in area A

Fig. 12. Linear regressions and correlations between the annual crop of hinau fruit and various annual breeding and weight parameters in area A.

Fig. 12. Linear regressions and correlations between the annual crop of hinau fruit and various annual breeding and weight parameters in area A.

While hinau is but one of the fruits eaten by possums, there is a correlation between the annual hinau crop (no. fruits/m2) and the annual crop of all fruits and seeds collected in the area (measured as kg/ha, dry weight - see Daniel 1975 for methods). Although data are limited, this suggests hinau cropped heavily in concert with some other species in years like 1971 (see Figure, lower right based on 1971-75 data).

For percent adults with young arcsin transformation.