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The Spike Golden Jubilee Number May 1949

3 Reasons Why MARSHALL'S Lead IN QUALITY FURNITURE (1) MARSHALL'S are the ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS of their OWN FURNITURE, be it Cabinet or Upholstered Furniture. Every piece is made by Skilled and Experienced Craftsmen. (2) MARSHALL'S FURNITURE CARRIES THEIR FULL GUARANTEE for "QUALITY" and "SERVICE" which has been given to the Public for over 40 years. (3) MARSHALL'S FURNITURE is REASONABLY PRICED to meet the PUBLIC'S PURSE, because they are SITUATED in The Low Rent Area. "PAY A TRAM FARE and SAV…

3 Reasons Why MARSHALL'S Lead IN QUALITY FURNITURE (1) MARSHALL'S are the ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS of their OWN FURNITURE, be it Cabinet or Upholstered Furniture. Every piece is made by Skilled and Experienced Craftsmen. (2) MARSHALL'S FURNITURE CARRIES THEIR FULL GUARANTEE for "QUALITY" and "SERVICE" which has been given to the Public for over 40 years. (3) MARSHALL'S FURNITURE is REASONABLY PRICED to meet the PUBLIC'S PURSE, because they are SITUATED in The Low Rent Area. "PAY A TRAM FARE and SAVE POUNDS" is our suggestion to YOU! You are cordially INVITED TO INSPECT our Large and Spacious Show Rooms, where displays of the Latest in Furniture and Furnishings are shown. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE! J. G. MARSHALL LTD. Quality Furniture Specialists 42-48 ADELAIDE ROAD - - WELLINGTON Branches Blenheim and Nelson