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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1943

WHAT IS Modern Books? Modern Books is a co-operatively owned and controlled bookshop and library, specialising in progressive literature. Together with Progressive Books of Auckland, and the Christchurch Co-op. Bookshop, Modern Books owns the Progressive Publishing Society which has already done a great deal to foster New Zealand writing. Membership is open to any person who takes a pound share. Members' privileges include a 10% discount on all purchases, membership of the library, and a voice …

WHAT IS Modern Books? Modern Books is a co-operatively owned and controlled bookshop and library, specialising in progressive literature. Together with Progressive Books of Auckland, and the Christchurch Co-op. Bookshop, Modern Books owns the Progressive Publishing Society which has already done a great deal to foster New Zealand writing. Membership is open to any person who takes a pound share. Members' privileges include a 10% discount on all purchases, membership of the library, and a voice in the operation of Modern Books and of the Progressive Publishing Society. YOU ARE ALREADY A CUSTOMER BECOME A SHAREHOLDER IN MODERN BOOKS