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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1936. Volume 7. Number 2.

It all comes down to this... One of the greatest comforts that can be made available in the modern home is a constant supply of really HOT water, ready when you want it without an instant's waiting. The modern AUTOMATIC GAS HOT WATER SYSTEM offers this convenience at a cost of only a few pence per day. For details of a system suitable for the needs of your home... Consulf THE WELLINGTON GAS CO. LtD. KITCHEN BATHROOM LAUNDRY Hot Water Automatically - WITH GAS

It all comes down to this... One of the greatest comforts that can be made available in the modern home is a constant supply of really HOT water, ready when you want it without an instant's waiting. The modern AUTOMATIC GAS HOT WATER SYSTEM offers this convenience at a cost of only a few pence per day. For details of a system suitable for the needs of your home... Consulf THE WELLINGTON GAS CO. LtD. KITCHEN BATHROOM LAUNDRY Hot Water Automatically - WITH GAS