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The Spike or Victoria College Review October 1929

G.W. von Zedlitz, M.A. COACHING IN DEGREE Subjects Day or Evening. MATRICULATION.—Full day or Evening Courses. ENGINEERING.—Evening Classes in Subjects prescribed for PRELIMINARY and ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Examinations of INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. B.A. and LL.B—Special Arrangements for Latin. Telephone 44—651 MASONIC CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON TERRACE

G.W. von Zedlitz, M.A. COACHING IN DEGREE Subjects Day or Evening. MATRICULATION.—Full day or Evening Courses. ENGINEERING.—Evening Classes in Subjects prescribed for PRELIMINARY and ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Examinations of INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. B.A. and LL.B—Special Arrangements for Latin. Telephone 44—651 MASONIC CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON TERRACE