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The Spike or Victoria College Review October 1929

MARTIN — Ifs If you happen to want an uncommon shoe, come to Martin's. if you want a standard make of shoe and want it as cheap as you'll get it, come to the same place. If you want a bargain, same again. If you want to have a few shillings on your purchase, ditto. In any one of Martin's three shops—Courtenay Place, 57 Manners Street, or opp. "Evening Post," you'll find that the same standard of footwear costs just a little less. Students are requested to mention "The Spike" when patronising ad…

MARTIN — Ifs If you happen to want an uncommon shoe, come to Martin's. if you want a standard make of shoe and want it as cheap as you'll get it, come to the same place. If you want a bargain, same again. If you want to have a few shillings on your purchase, ditto. In any one of Martin's three shops—Courtenay Place, 57 Manners Street, or opp. "Evening Post," you'll find that the same standard of footwear costs just a little less. Students are requested to mention "The Spike" when patronising advertisers.