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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Personal Volume

NEW ZEALANDERS PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT A Holiday once a year is a good investment. THAT After a Holiday you think better, work better, and live better. THAT New Zealand has the grandest and most healthful Holiday Resorts in the World. THAT If thousands come from overseas to visit New Zealand's Resorts, it must be worth your while to visit them. WHEN YOU TRAVEL on Business or Pleasure avail yourself of the Government Tourist Department's popular and up - to - date system of booking. Avoid all w…

NEW ZEALANDERS PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT A Holiday once a year is a good investment. THAT After a Holiday you think better, work better, and live better. THAT New Zealand has the grandest and most healthful Holiday Resorts in the World. THAT If thousands come from overseas to visit New Zealand's Resorts, it must be worth your while to visit them. WHEN YOU TRAVEL on Business or Pleasure avail yourself of the Government Tourist Department's popular and up - to - date system of booking. Avoid all worry and inconvenience, and book at the GOVERNMENT TOURIST BUREAU Corner of Grey and Featherston Streets (Opposite G.P.O.) Telephone No WELLINGTON 1908 THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ROUTES SELECTED NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR BOOKING SERVICES The GOVERNMENT TOURIST AGENT will tell you WHERE to go, HOW to go, WHEN to go, and WHAT to pay LITERATURE SUPPLIED FREE