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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 77

A NEW ZEALAND PRODUCT IS NAIRN & SONS' NURSERY It is the standard by which other Nurseries in New Zealand are judged. Their stock is large and most comprehensive, not being limited to a few lines, but embracing all. They do not tread in the beaten track, but Lead the Way. They Import direct from every clime. Every Horticultural Centre throughout the world is subject to their commands. A regular correspondence with the leading Florists, and a close study of the Horticultural journals, enables th…

A NEW ZEALAND PRODUCT IS NAIRN & SONS' NURSERY It is the standard by which other Nurseries in New Zealand are judged. Their stock is large and most comprehensive, not being limited to a few lines, but embracing all. They do not tread in the beaten track, but Lead the Way. They Import direct from every clime. Every Horticultural Centre throughout the world is subject to their commands. A regular correspondence with the leading Florists, and a close study of the Horticultural journals, enables them to decide what are the best lines to import. These Novelties they offer direct to the public at reasonable prices. Their experience of what plants are best suited to the Colonies extends over a period of thirty years. Close observation on their part, and association with others who take a keen interest in Horticulture and Arboriculture, enables them to wisely advise those who purpose planting. The Catalogue which they offer (post free on application) is the most complete in Australasia. It has been described as an Encyclopaedia of Horticulture, and is quoted as the standard authority. Its highest merit is manifested in being copied by others. Telephone 241. P.O. Box 426. Visitors to their Nursery are always welcome through-out the year (strictly closed on Sundays). NAIRN & SONS, FLORISTS and NURSERYMEN. LINCOLN ROAD, CHRISTCHURCH.