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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 77

Chas. Begg & Co., LIMITED, DUNEDIN, WELLINGTON, TIMARU, INVERCARGILL, IMPORTERS OF PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC, BAND & ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS And their ACCESSORIES. This Firm was Established in 1861 by the late Mr. Chas Begg, who manufactured the first four pianos made in New Zealand, using native woods in all parts excepting those for which imported timber was absolutely necessary. They were shown and sold at the Dunedin Exhibition of 1864 (held in the present Hospital Buildings). One of them has si…

Chas. Begg & Co., LIMITED, DUNEDIN, WELLINGTON, TIMARU, INVERCARGILL, IMPORTERS OF PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC, BAND & ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS And their ACCESSORIES. This Firm was Established in 1861 by the late Mr. Chas Begg, who manufactured the first four pianos made in New Zealand, using native woods in all parts excepting those for which imported timber was absolutely necessary. They were shown and sold at the Dunedin Exhibition of 1864 (held in the present Hospital Buildings). One of them has since come into the possession of the firm, who will be proud to show it as a Specimen of Thorough and Reliable Workmanship. Our Goods are Reliable, Our Prices are moderate, AND WE SELL FOR CASH OR TIME PAYMENT.