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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 77

ESTABLISHED 1861. JOHN EDMOND ...GENERAL... Ironmonger and Hardware Merchant, PRINCES & BOND STREETS, DUNEDIN; TAY & WOOD STREETS, INVERCARGILL. Every ARTICLE needed in Domestic Economy, from the modest COTTAGE UTENSILS to the Elaborate RANGE and Highly-finished GRATE, FENDER, FIRE-IRONS, and Mantels. The TABLE SUPPLIED with CUTLERY of every Variety, From the Plainest to the most Ornate Pattern, an Metals, Wood Bone, and Ivory, of every description, LAUNDRIES completed in every detail. FOR THE …

ESTABLISHED 1861. JOHN EDMOND ...GENERAL... Ironmonger and Hardware Merchant, PRINCES & BOND STREETS, DUNEDIN; TAY & WOOD STREETS, INVERCARGILL. Every ARTICLE needed in Domestic Economy, from the modest COTTAGE UTENSILS to the Elaborate RANGE and Highly-finished GRATE, FENDER, FIRE-IRONS, and Mantels. The TABLE SUPPLIED with CUTLERY of every Variety, From the Plainest to the most Ornate Pattern, an Metals, Wood Bone, and Ivory, of every description, LAUNDRIES completed in every detail. FOR THE FARM AND GARDEN.—All necessary In plements, Barbed and Galvanised Wire, Staples and Netting. FOR SHIP CHANDLERY.—Every item, from the heavy Anchor and Chain to Sails and Ensigns. Nautical Instruments—Chronometers, Barometers. FOR GOLD DREDGING—Expanded Metal, the best Gold Saver existing, FOR SPORTS.—Cricket, Golf, Croquet, Bowling, Tennis Every Material in newest principles, and a voluminous assortment of everything else in the trade which cannot be easily enumerated. The reputation of the Firm for most Reasonable Charges, Can and Promptness in fulfilling and dispensing Orders is daily screaking.