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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 77

Donald Reid & Co., LIMITED, STOCK SALESMEN, Wool, Grain, Produce & Land Brokers, CUMBERLAND, JETTY & VOGEL STREETS, DUNEDIN. Land, Stock and Clearing Sales a Specialty; also hold regular Auction Sales of Wool, Grain, Hides, Skins, Tallow, and other Produce. All Consignments carefully valued by competent men, classed when required, and protected to full market value. UNEQUALLED ACCOMMODATION. BEST SERVICE. PERSONAL SUPERVISION. LOWEST SCALE OF CHARGES. HIGHEST PRICES. PROMPT RETURNS. We act stri…

Donald Reid & Co., LIMITED, STOCK SALESMEN, Wool, Grain, Produce & Land Brokers, CUMBERLAND, JETTY & VOGEL STREETS, DUNEDIN. Land, Stock and Clearing Sales a Specialty; also hold regular Auction Sales of Wool, Grain, Hides, Skins, Tallow, and other Produce. All Consignments carefully valued by competent men, classed when required, and protected to full market value. UNEQUALLED ACCOMMODATION. BEST SERVICE. PERSONAL SUPERVISION. LOWEST SCALE OF CHARGES. HIGHEST PRICES. PROMPT RETURNS. We act strictly as Selling Brokers only, and do not Buy or Sell on our own account. Liberal Cash Advances made on Wool, Grain, Frozen Meat and other produce, either for Sale in Dunedin or for Shipment to Lonion or other markets. VALUATIONS MADE, LOANS NEGOTIATED & ARBITRATIONS CONDUCTED All Farm and Station Requisites supplied of best quality at lowest prices. Send Consignments and Orders to DONALD REID & CO., Ltd, PRIVATE RAILWAY SIDING, DUNEDIN. AGENTS FOR: Fisons' Sheep Dips (Powder and Liquid) Gow's Non-poisonous Dipping Powder Ruston Proctor & Co.'s Traction and Portable Steam Engines and Threshing Machines Belfast and Fisons' Manures Thomas's Basic Slag Reid's Patent Wire Strainers (" Titan and "Triplex")