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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 75

ADVERTISEMENTS. Empire Company The Largest Manufacturers of Grocers' Sundries in New Zealand. IMPORTERS OF EASTERN PRODUCE. Manufacturers and Importers of Coffees, Peppers, Spices, Baking Powders, Farinaceous Foods, Vinegar, Limejuice, Sauces, Culinary Essences, Blue, Blacking, Extract of Soap, Starch Glaze, Salad Oil Golden Syrup, Treacle, Honey, Ships' Stores, etc., etc. Empire Tea Co.'s Superior Blended Teas. Dragon-3/-por lb. Houdah-2/10 Kangra Valley 2/3 Elephant-2/6 Crescent-2/4 Buffalo-2…

ADVERTISEMENTS. Empire Company The Largest Manufacturers of Grocers' Sundries in New Zealand. IMPORTERS OF EASTERN PRODUCE. Manufacturers and Importers of Coffees, Peppers, Spices, Baking Powders, Farinaceous Foods, Vinegar, Limejuice, Sauces, Culinary Essences, Blue, Blacking, Extract of Soap, Starch Glaze, Salad Oil Golden Syrup, Treacle, Honey, Ships' Stores, etc., etc. Empire Tea Co.'s Superior Blended Teas. Dragon-3/-por lb. Houdah-2/10 Kangra Valley 2/3 Elephant-2/6 Crescent-2/4 Buffalo-2/2 per lb. Empire, in lead 2/- Mikado, in lead 1/10 Ceylon, in lead (red and gold label) 1/10 All our Blends are packed in 1 lb. and ½ lb. Packets, 5 and 10 lb. Tins, and Half Chests (45) lbs. FULL WEIGHT. SOLD BY RESPECTABLE GROCERS EVERYWHERE. Our Registered Trade Mark; "EMPIRE TEA COMPANY" is on every Package. W. & G. TURNBULL, Proprietors, Wellington.