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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 73

LANGDOWN & SON, (C, B. COGAN) CARLYLE MILLS, SYDENHAM. "HEATHER" BRAND (Registered) OATMEAL Our brand is so well-known and appreciated that the output shows a steady increase, the strongest possible evidence that the quality meets with the approval of the public OATINA Specially prepared Rolled Oats. Highly recommended for invalids and children, being easily digested. Delicious for porridge or puddings. Testimonial Government House, Wellington, N.Z., 16th January, 1893. DEAR SIR—The "Oatina" yo…

LANGDOWN & SON, (C, B. COGAN) CARLYLE MILLS, SYDENHAM. "HEATHER" BRAND (Registered) OATMEAL Our brand is so well-known and appreciated that the output shows a steady increase, the strongest possible evidence that the quality meets with the approval of the public OATINA Specially prepared Rolled Oats. Highly recommended for invalids and children, being easily digested. Delicious for porridge or puddings. Testimonial Government House, Wellington, N.Z., 16th January, 1893. DEAR SIR—The "Oatina" you sent is very nice. Yours faithfully, (Signed) PAT. BOYLE, Colonel. IMPERIAL CALF FOOD. Can be used with skim milk or whey for rearing calves. Largely used in the North Island. A 25lb bag, costing 3s 6d, will feed one calf five weeks, if used according to instructions. A Quart of Mixed Meal costs about ¼d. Testimonial from J. Burt Veale Midhirst, Taranaki, December 22nd, 1894. DEAR Sir—I have much pleasure in recommending to my farmer friends in Taranaki the use of the "Imperial" Calf Meal as a valuable help in the successful rearing of their calves. In my opinion, used in moderate quantities, cooked, and mixed with skim milk, it answers all the purposes of the imported meal at about half the cost. I have tried them both and in each case have been satisfied with the results, but I give the preference to the "Imperial" on account of its being the much cheaper feeder of the two, a very valuable consideration in a place where the values of cattle are only nominal. Yours faithfully, (Signed) J. BURT VEALE.