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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 73

THE CAMPION BICYCLE NONE BETTER NONE FASTER The Bicycle that did the trick at the last Championship Meeting at Napier was the Jubilee They're as fast as they make 'em, And nothing can break 'em! The good old JUBILEE! READ THE SCORE, AND PONDER OVER IT— First In the I Mile Championship. In the 5 Mile Championship. In the 10 Mile Championship. In the 25 Mile Championship. First in all the Championships from One Mile upwards. Never, in the history of cycling have machines pushed so rapidly to the …

THE CAMPION BICYCLE NONE BETTER NONE FASTER The Bicycle that did the trick at the last Championship Meeting at Napier was the Jubilee They're as fast as they make 'em, And nothing can break 'em! The good old JUBILEE! READ THE SCORE, AND PONDER OVER IT— First In the I Mile Championship. In the 5 Mile Championship. In the 10 Mile Championship. In the 25 Mile Championship. First in all the Championships from One Mile upwards. Never, in the history of cycling have machines pushed so rapidly to the front, wholly on their merits. Acknowledged to be the highest achievement of mechanical skill, art, and science in cycle construction. We invite practical people to compare the workmanship, material, and construction of cur machines with that of any, which will demonstrate why JUBILEE Wheels have met with such phenomenal success. Not only are they right slap-bang up-to-date, but they are a good lump AHEAD OF THE TIMES. It will pay you to send for catalogue, free for the asking. R. KENT, Manufacturer, Bedford Row, Christchurch.