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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 69

Part of the inner or S.W. harbour of the Bay of Islands showing Waitangi (where the treaty was signed), Okiato (Russell), the first seat of Government, and other principal places mentioned in this book

Part of the inner or S.W. harbour of the Bay of Islands showing Waitangi (where the treaty was signed), Okiato (Russell), the first seat of Government, and other principal places mentioned in this book.

1. Waitangi. 2. Kororareka (now Russell) 3. Kororareka anchorage. 4. Paihia. 5. The inner anchorage. 6. Wahapu, merchant's store and American consulate. 7. Omata. 8. Okiato (first seat of Government and first Russell). 9. Te Haumi ("Muddy-muddy" of seamen.!). 10. Opua. 11. Orapa. 12. Otaihu (Pomare's stronghold). 13. Motumaire Islet. 14. Motuorangi Islet. 15. Nihonui Point 16. Observatory Islet (used by the French surveying ships, A.D. 1824, 1832, for that purpose).